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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chapter 3: Why Our Bodies Were Created

Our bodies are God's perfect creation. God's love for us is so great that He made us from the dust of the earth and breathed His own breath into us. He created us in His very own image. Being made in His image, we are filled with His spirit . We show the likeness and semblance of God himself. He made every part of our bodies to function according to a specific purpose and in harmony together. Just as a loving mother delights in her children and sees no flaws, God looks at each of us and says that He created each of us perfect in His eyes. If our Creator himself says that we are made perfect, in His image, who are we to say that we aren't? The God of the universe says that we are beautiful and perfect because His very own hands created everything about us. When we overlook the beauty of our own bodies we are insulting the God who made them.

How do you think God feels about your body?
How do you think God feels when you hate things about your body?

How much energy do you spend every day hating yourself or things about your body? Start turning the tables on your negative energy. Instead of indulging yourself in hating your body, use that time to embrace the body God has given you.

Read through Psalm 139 and think about how much God delights in you.
Make a list of all the miraculous things that your body is capable of doing.

Immerse yourself in God's love. His love for you is so great and so powerful. His love and unconditional acceptance can overcome all doubts and fears that you have. John 4:18 states that "there is no fear in love." Because of this we don't need to fear being unacceptable - we can fully embrace God's acceptance. We can love ourselves and our bodies because of who we are IN God and TO God.

Do you know how much God loves you?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chapter 2: The Truth of Perfectionism

In chapter 2 we learned about the truth behind perfectionism. Perfectionism is at the root of a poor body image. When we strive to be perfect in all things, we are doubting God and the way that He made us. And Satan loves to capitalize on our doubts and desires for perfectionism. Satan was once beautiful and wise, but his heart became proud and he tried to glorify himself above the God of the universe. Satan still tries to use wisdom, beauty and our desires to be perfect to influence us. When we accept the deceiver's whispers that we're not thin enough or not beautiful enough, we are being fooled. Making yourself beautiful or perfect is not an act of worship to God, it is a distraction from God. Satan would love for all women to feel ugly and useless so that they cannot be influential for God's kingdom. When we put off Satan's lies and trust that God made us in His perfect image, we can be used in His kingdom for good.

Overcoming a poor body image can be done by looking back at how it developed. Think about past experiences with family, friends, coworkers and classmates...

  • How did these past experiences influence how you view yourself today?

We often believe things that negatively impact our body image if we are told them often enough. But believing this false information about our bodies blinds us from seeing who we really are.

  • What have you been told about your body by others?
  • What have you been telling yourself about your body?
  • At what times or what situations have you struggled with body image the most?

It is important to overcome the negative body image that you have of yourself. Prayer is a powerful combatant against these negative thoughts.
You can ask God for His help...

Dear Heavenly Father,

I recognize that I struggle to know and live out what is truly perfect. I can see how my heart is drawn to Satan's message that perfectionism is the answer. I can easily get focused on wanting perfect beauty rather than wanting You. In the name of Jesus Christ I stand against the world of advertising, diet, the beauty industry, my vanity, and Satan himself. I resist every force that would seek to distract me from who I really am and what you desire for me to do in, and through, this body You gave me. I reject the distorted concepts and ideas that make body perfection sound plausible and desirable. I oppose every attempt to keep me from knowing full fellowship with you.

"The secret to true beauty is being at peace with who you are"