Whatever we are facing in this moment we can choose to grab on to the truth. Let everything else go. Let go of the anxiety- fear- uncertainty- and frustration. Park our mind with what is true. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free," (John 8:32).
What truth can do for us is really amazing.
This past weekend as we were wrapping up at the E-Women conference in Pensacola my friend Beth, Holly and I were talking about where the team would be meeting for dinner that night. Suddenly, a very frantic arena staff member came over and told us there was an emergency and we were needed right away.
A lady attending the conference had just been told her two grandchildren had been killed in a fire that day.
We rushed over to find a lady surrounded by her friends. She was sobbing to the point she could hardly breathe. She'd just been with her grandbabbies ages 8 and 4. They'd spent spring break with her last week. She'd held them, rocked them, stroked their hair, and kissed them all over their faces. How could they be gone?
It was too much for her brain to process.
The EMT stepped aside so we could hold her hands and pray over her. At first I stumbled my way through requests for Jesus to pour His most tender mercies into this situation. I prayed for comfort and the reassurance that these children were being held by Jesus in this moment.
It was so hard. My mommy heart ached so deeply for this woman. My eyes welled up with tears refusing to stay contained.
As Beth took her turn to pray I noticed something miraculous. Every time we said, "Jesus" her body calmed, her crying slowed, her breathing stopped sounding so panicked.
So, when it was my turn to pray again I just said His name over and over and over. This sweet grandmother joined me, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."
As we said, "Jesus" over and over- truth flooded my mind.
I remembered what I'd written last week about death... Death is only a temporary separation. We will be reunited again.
I remembered this truth from 2 Samuel 12... When David's infant child died, David confidently said, "I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me" (v. 23). David knew he would see his child again--not just a nameless, faceless soul without an identity, but his very child. He would know him, hold him, kiss him, and the separation death caused would be over.
The only thing that seemed to calm my devastated sister was the name of Jesus and His truth.
What a powerful reminder to us all.
In John 17 verses 6-17 we read some of Jesus' last words before He died. Four times in these verses He reminds us of the gift of God's Word.
Hold on to His Word sweet sister. Speak His truth and the name of Jesus out loud in the midst of whatever you are facing today. Our souls were formed to recognize andrespond to the calm assurance of Jesus and truth.
Never has this been more clear to me.
Please pray for my friend and her family.
And remember in the midst of whatever you face today...
We can choose to grab on to the truth. Let everything else go. Park our mind with what is true. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free," (John 8:32).
Boundaries on Time
8 years ago
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